

公开携带枪支的法律不适用于大学设施. The only exception is that persons licensed for concealed carry of handguns may carry where not signed as prohibited. 无证在校园里携带枪支是三级重罪. 持证人故意隐瞒不足是a类轻罪.

根据州法律, the Alamo Colleges have adopted reasonable rules somewhat limiting where licensed concealed campus carry is allowed, 反映在下面列出的禁区.



  • Board meetings 
  • Polling locations 
  • 警察局网站和急救学院
  • 儿童保育设施
  • 某些场合的酒精服务 
    • (tabc持牌酒席承办商负责决定)
  • 心理健康咨询设施(包括SAC妇女中心) 
  • Health Clinics
  • 员工纪律和解雇会议以及学生/纪律会议的地点, 以及各种类型的学生和员工投诉听证会, are conduct
  • 未成年人聚集的特定区域
    • Scobee Planetarium
    • Facilities leased to other parties if minors congregate therein or facilities leased from others if lessor requires
    • 专门为未成年人开设的课程(如ECHS、澳门新葡京博彩) & 凤凰中学
    • 夏令营(核心地区) 
  • 特殊测试区域,测试期间必须交出物品
  • 所有体育设施(包括观众和参与者)
  • 混合用途:只有在优势情况下才禁止整栋楼或整层楼(标识过多问题)
  • Campus-specific: Where prohibition is authorized in principle but the specific configuration of a campus facility makes this impractical, 那么学校可能会寻求例外
  • 学区车辆,除非员工因大学工作需要另有安排

"Campus Carry" is shorthand for licensed concealed campus carry under legislation passed in 2015 and effective at 2-year institutions of higher education beginning August 1, 2017. The law permits individuals with a License to Carry (LTC) (formerly Concealed Handgun License) to carry a concealed handgun on college premises, 这在以前是不合法的.


社区大学校园持枪从8月1日开始实施. 1, 2017.


Yes. 德克萨斯州参议院第11号法案 ——被称为“校园隐蔽携带许可”——将于8月9日成为法律. 1, 2017, and allows people with a handgun license to carry concealed handguns in permitted areas on community college campuses. 手枪必须藏起来.

德州众议院法案910 -被称为“公开携带”-于1月10日成为法律. 1, 2016 and made it legal for handgun license holders to carry visible firearms in the state of Texas. However, 公开携带并不适用于公立大学, 包括澳门新葡京博彩区, 所以即使这两项法律都生效, 即使是有执照的个人也不允许在校园里携带可见的枪支.


No. 公开持枪不适用于公立大学, 包括组成澳门新葡京博彩区的学院. 在校园里公开携带枪支是违法的, 包括在校园里展示枪支,现在, on campus streets, sidewalks, 停车场和人行道. 因此,校园里不允许公开携带枪支. 德克萨斯州公共安全部门严格规定公开携带枪支是受限制的:

  • on the premises of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education
  • 在任何公共或私人车道上, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage or other parking areas of an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education.
  • 由根据第1702章担任个人保护主任的个人提供, 职业守则,不穿制服.
Can anyone legally carry a concealed handgun on an 澳门新葡京博彩区 campus as of August 1, 2017?

不行,德州法律只允许持枪者隐蔽携带枪支. A person must be 21 years of age (with the exception of active duty military and police officers); meet state and federal qualifications to own a handgun; and receive CHL training, 包括射击场组件, from an instructor certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety in order to obtain a license. 这些规定对学生、员工、客人和公众没有区别.


澳门新葡京博彩区 Chancellor Bruce Leslie appointed a campus carry working committee comprised of students, faculty members and staff members from each college in the 澳门新葡京博彩区 to supply input to him as required by the statute.

The chancellor considered Committee input and established reasonable rules and regulations pertaining to licensed concealed campus carry of handguns.




Yes. 以下是学院指定的禁区列表.


  • Wellness Center
    • Entire Building
  • Police Department
  • Science
    • 209A、208A、208、209室
  • Student Commons
    • Rooms 210, 222B & 207
  • Fine Arts
    • Rooms 106, 213
  • Library
    • Room 212
  • 贾德森早期学院
    • Entire Building


  • Boardwalk
    • G-21室(警务处)
  • 会车厅体育馆
    • Entire Building
  • 柏树校园中心
    • 仅限考试中心207室
  • 山核桃厅(夏令营,仅限6 - 8月)
    • Entire Building
  • Live Oak Hall
    • 315A、333、341、343室 & 345(实验室准备) & storage) 

Palo Alto College

  • Dental Clinic
  • Health Clinic
    • Student Center Room 129 through 03/31/2023, thereafter Rio Grande Building rooms 140B, 140C, 140D & 140E

  • Ray Ellison Center
    • Entire Building
  • Police Department
  • 小津图书馆的儿童图书馆 & Learning Center
    • Room 201
  • 新边疆特许学校在移动建筑组3
    • Numbers 26 - 31 & 33 - 36
  • 新边境特许学校便携浴室
    • Entire Building
  • Health & 健康(咨询)
    • 学生中心100室至3/31/23室,之后是格兰德河大楼132E, 132F室
  • Brazos Hall科学实验室
    • Room 107
  • Frio Science Lab
    • 116D室(储藏室)
  • 圣哈辛托科学实验室到5/31/23
    • Room 215 A & B
  • 从2023年5月31日起,里奥格兰德科学实验室准备区
    • 溶剂储存,269B室
    • 化学品储存库269J室
  • 兽医技术及科学实验室
    • Entire Building
  • Brazos Hall
    • Room 101
  • 残疾支援服务(DSS)
    • 帕洛米诺中心116室至3/31/23室之后是格兰德河大厦133A室
  • Soccer fields
  • Tennis Courts
  • Gymnasium
    • Entire Building
  • 学生分享中心包括操守官/学生维权办公室
    • 操守主任/学生权益倡导者办公室101室

  • Sites during events of PACFest and any other large community events such as Winter Wonderland or Palomino Pumpkin Patch                                                        

San Antonio College

  • Nursing & 联合健康中心
    • Rooms 101 & 105 -健康诊所

  • 斯考比教育中心
    • Entire Building
  • 警署大楼

  • 急救人员学院

  • 坎德勒体育中心 
    • Entire Building
  • Empowerment Center
    • Entire Building
  • 幼儿研究大楼
    • Entire Building
  • 穆迪学习中心
    • mlc532, mlc533和mlc534 

  • Gonzales Hall
    • 203室,学生行为办公室 
  • 美甲技术中心
    • Rooms 236C, 242 
  • 机会学术中心
    • Rooms 339, 354 
  • Science Annex
    • Room 104 only
  • Chemistry & Geology
    • 010C、011A、115、213室 

  • 活动期间的FredStock音乐节现场

St. 菲利普学院:马丁·路德·金校区

  • 应用科学楼
    • Rooms 101D-H, 101L & 仅限101R-W(实验室制剂) & Protected Chemicals & 压缩气体区)
  • 鲍登大厦(租给ISD用于大学早期高中)
    • Entire First Floor
  • 卫生专业中心 
    • 203、300、302房间 & 仅限321D(受保护化学品) & Compressed Gasses
  • 中央厂房(警务处大楼旁)
    • Entire Building
  • 儿童发展中心
    • Entire Building
  • 继续教育大楼(租给政府发展署,用作大学预科高中)
    • Entire Building
  • 戴维斯科学楼
    • 217、220、220A、315A、316、317、318、327A室 & B & 仅限钢瓶柜(受保护化学品) & Compressed Gasses)
    • Rooms 218 & 323间(专为未成年人开设的教室,大学预科高中)
  • Facilities building
    • 仅限100号房间(受保护化学品)
  • 好撒玛利亚人退伍军人外展和培训中心
    • 207室(测试区) & 212(心理健康咨询) 
  • 地面建筑(受保护化学品) & Compressed Gasses)
    • Entire Building
  • Health & Fitness Center & Tennis Courts
    • Entire Facility
  • Learning & 领导力发展中心(夏令营,仅限6 - 8月)
  • 警署大楼
    • Entire Building
  • 21-23号可移动建筑(租给ISD供大学早期高中使用)
  • 萨顿学习中心
    • Rooms 102 G & 仅限(受保护化学品) & Compressed Gasses)
    • Room 102J
    • 仅限102L房间(员工) & student discipline)
  • Welcome Center
    • Rooms 207A, 207B & 仅限207C(封闭测试区域)

  • 活动期间的文化节场地

St. 菲利普学院:西南校区

  • 工业技术中心(1栋) 
    • C-132-140室(凤凰中学教室) 
    • A-166、B-101、C-160、C-163、D-122室 & D-129(受保护化学品 & Compressed Gasses) 
    • A-202室(测试区) 
    • D-100室(警务处)
    • A-135室(心理健康辅导)
    • All of Sections C & D(只适用于六月至八月) 
  • 飞机技术中心(2栋)
    • Room 105G
    • 多学科教学中心(3号楼)
    • 101、103、215、217室 & 219 (LULAC-NESC上升期,仅6 - 8月)
  • 柴油技术中心(6栋)
    • Rooms 100, 102 & 106(受保护化学品) & Compressed Gasses)
  • 柴油技术实验室(7号楼)
    • 整个建筑(受保护的化学品) & Compressed Gasses)


  • Houston Street
    • 警署大楼
  • Killen Center
    • C-126-127室(警察局徽章) & Dispatch)
    • 董事会(仅限董事会会议)
    • Facilities
  • Community Events: College Presidents/Chancellor may temporarily prohibit at the site of and for the duration of community events sponsored by College/College District, including, without limitation, Fiesta events.
  • Kerrville区域中心(从ISD租用的未成年人聚集的设施) & lessor requires)

  • Pat Booker Road
    • Police Department

No. 德州的每一所公立学院和大学都必须依法允许有执照的隐蔽校园持枪. Only private institutions of higher education have the right to “opt out” of licensed concealed campus carry.


Yes. If a police officer reasonably believes a safety risk exists or has other probable cause to do so, 他或她可能会解除你的武装. The concealed license holder should be courteous and non-confrontational and follow the police officer's directions.

Is Texas the only state that has legislated licensed concealed campus carry laws for public institutions of higher education?

No. 德州是八个拥有校园隐蔽持枪法律的州之一, joining Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin.


The colleges in the 澳门新葡京博彩区 will not track or keep a list of college LTC holders. 持有有效LTC的个人不需要披露其状态. The only exception to this rule is if police ask about concealed carry status for law enforcement purposes. 持枪证的人在被询问时必须告知警察他们是否携带手枪. Importantly, 如果不是警察问的, students, faculty, and staff cannot be retaliated against in any way for failure to answer the question or for answering in the affirmative or negative. 教师绝对不应该, staff, 学生被施压或强迫透露他们的校园携带/LTC状态.


如果你在校园里看到有人公开携带或故意展示枪支, 拨打485-0911联系ACPD. 他们会做出适当的反应. 不要接近那个人.  An openly displayed handgun likely reflects ignorance of the law applicable to colleges but could also be an active shooter situation.


Please contact:
Pat Meurin