阿拉莫大学 Recognized as Leader for Excellence in Campus Internationalization




The 澳门新葡京博彩区 has been selected as one of four U.S. universities and colleges to receive a 2024 Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization.

Named after the late Senator Paul Simon of Illinois, the awards celebrate outstanding commitment and accomplishment in campus internationalization. The Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization recognizes excellence in integrating international education throughout all facets of university and college campuses.

The 阿拉莫大学 is the first institution in 圣安东尼奥 and the second community college in Texas to be honored with this award since its inception.

“The Paul Simon Award demonstrates how the 阿拉莫大学 offers all students unparalleled opportunities for international education and global engagement博士说。. 迈克•弗洛 澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. “We believe that by embracing international education, 我们赋予学生权力, 教师, 员工及社区.”

The 阿拉莫大学 has notably enhanced its international education framework through a strategic selection of partners and the adoption of cutting-edge approaches to global learning. Initiatives such as the introduction of digital badges, the incorporation of virtual exchanges, and the progression of curriculum internationalization have widened opportunities for students to gain global perspectives during their educational journey. These initiatives have profoundly impacted the democratization of global learning access, allowing a larger contingent of students to reap the benefits of international education.

A full list of the 2024 Comprehensive Award recipients are:

  •     澳门新葡京博彩区 (圣安东尼奥, Texas)
  •     奥本大学(阿拉巴马州奥本)
  •     草原景观A&M大学(Prairie View, Texas)
  •     University of California, Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, California)​​

“为少数族裔服务的机构, 大型赠地大学, and a community college district counted among this year’s winners, these institutions demonstrate that the principles and practices of internationalization thrive within a variety of structures, 地理位置, 学生人数,芬达·欧说, NAFSA执行董事兼首席执行官. “We commend these colleges and universities for their exemplary work in advancing the intercultural skills of their students, 教师, and staff in today’s dynamic landscape.”

Institutions selected for the Simon Awards will be featured in NAFSA's annual report Internationalizing the Campus: Profiles of Success at 大学 and Universities, to be published this fall, and honored during NAFSA’s 2024 Annual Conference & 2024年5月世博会. 

To learn more about NAFSA’s Senator Paul Simon Awards, visit nafsa.org/SimonAward. To explore opportunities with the 澳门新葡京博彩区 Office of International Programs, visit 阿拉莫.edu/international