NLC VPAS Selected for Aspen Institute Rising Fellowship

April 17, 2024


Dr. Laura Boyer of Northeast Lakeview College Selected for the
Aspen Institute’s Rising Fellowship

With Wave of Experienced Community College Presidents Retiring, New Aspen Fellow  Commits to Learning the Practices of Transformational Leaders  


April 17, 2024 -阿斯彭研究所大学卓越计划(Aspen)今天宣布. Laura Boyer,学术成功副总裁,是入选2024-25年度的40位领导者之一 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship. 运用十几年来对优秀社区大学的研究经验, 阿斯彭奖学金旨在选拔和培养下一代校长,这些校长能够带领学校实现更高、更公平的学生成功水平.  

Many sitting community college presidents plan to retire in the next decade, 为大学董事会和系统负责人创造机会,选择拥有技能和知识的领导者,为学生带来更好的结果. 阿斯彭总统奖学金代表着下一代大学的领导能力:即将到来的阿斯彭总统奖学金获得者中有58%是女性, and 55 percent are people of color. The institutions they represent are also diverse, located in 20 states, from small rural colleges to large urban campuses. The fellows, selected through a competitive process, 是否愿意在10个月的时间里与成就卓著的社区大学校长和思想领袖密切合作,从领域领先的研究中学习, examine demographic and labor market conditions in their communities, assess student outcomes at their colleges, 并为学生在大学期间和毕业后的优秀和公平的结果提出一个清晰的愿景.

​“With so many community college presidents taking or nearing retirement, 阿斯彭对培养致力于系统性变革的新领导人有着强烈的紧迫感,” said Josh Wyner, executive director of the College Excellence Program. “社区大学有一个独特的机会来促进社区所需的人才,并实现经济流动性,吸引这么多学生接受高等教育. 我相信,通过从表现最好的大学学习,并准备将这些经验带到他们的第一任总统职位上,这些人能够实现这一承诺,进而推动整个领域的发展.”

“I’m excited that Dr. Boyer has been selected for this program,” says Dr. Veronica Garcia, Northeast Lakeview college president. “在社区学院拥有超过26年的高等教育经验,涉及多个领域, 作为阿斯彭上升研究员的参与将增强她对学生成功的热情,并为她的高等教育生涯的下一步做好准备.”

新晋校长奖学金获得者希望在完成奖学金后的五年内成为大学校长. As fellows, 他们加入了一个由350多名有远见的同行组成的网络,其中175人是现任大学校长,他们正在应用混凝土, grounded, and innovative strategies to meet student success challenges in their colleges.

阿斯本冉冉升起的社长奖学金是在安德鲁·W·盖茨基金会的慷慨支持下才得以成立的. Mellon Foundation, the Burton Family Foundation, the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, the College Futures Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, and JPMorgan Chase. 

For bios and photos of all 40 leaders, visit 



About Northeast Lakeview College

东北湖景学院是澳门新葡京博彩区五所学院之一. A center for educational excellence and a Hispanic Serving Institution, 东北湖景学院提供高质量的学术课程、职业和技术课程,为学生未来在需求职业中取得成功做好准备. The College serves more than 8,200 students from northeast San Antonio and Bexar, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties. Northeast Lakeview College has two locations; its main campus in Universal City, TX  (1201 Kitty Hawk Rd.) and an off-site location in New Braunfels (2193 FM 758)


The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program 支持学院和大学追求更高的卓越标准, 提供证书,开启改变人生的职业生涯,加强我们的经济, society, and democracy. 我们知道,要达到这一更高的标准,需要有远见的大学领导者,我们的使命是为他们提供知识, skills, and research-backed tools to inspire change, shift practice, 提高大学培养优秀和公平学生的能力. For more information, visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The Aspen Institute 是一个全球性的非营利组织,其目的是激发人类的潜力,建立理解,为一个更美好的世界创造新的可能性. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve society’s greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, DC and has a campus in Aspen, Colorado, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit


Media Contacts: Kathleen Labus,, (210-486-5470) & Kristin O’Keefe,, (240-351-8531)