东北湖景学院 Announces Finalists for Vice President of 大学 Services



Open forums to be held July 8-10, 2024

东北湖景学院选出了三名候选人角逐学院服务副校长一职.  Each finalist will visit the college campus the week of July 8th and participate in various department meetings and a college tour. 

The finalists will also participate in an open forum.  入围者的名字,他们的论坛日期,以及更多关于他们的信息可以在下面找到:

Dr. 迈克尔D. 加西亚 (Forum date is Monday, July 8th)
维罗妮卡短距起落 (Forum date is Tuesday, July 9th)
Dr. 托马斯•沃克 (Forum date is Wednesday, July 10th)

All forums are open to students, 员工, ,并将于下午2:45在社区学习资源中心(NLIB 211)举行


  • Dr. 迈克尔·加西亚.png

    Dr. 迈克尔·加西亚

    论坛-周一,7月8日th | 2:45pm
    Comal Learning 资源 Center (NLIB 211)

    Dr. 加西亚 currently serves as the Executive Director, Regulatory Affairs for the 奥斯丁 社区 大学, 奥斯丁, 德州. He has served in this position since August 2018. Prior to serving in his current position, Dr. 加西亚, served as the Environmental, Health and Safety Manager for the 3M Company, 奥斯丁, 从2000年到2018年.

    In his current position at 奥斯丁 社区 大学, Dr. 加西亚 has district wide responsibilities for the environmental, health and safety management programs, the college emergency response and emergency management programs, the college risk management systems, as well as buildings and facilities operations and maintenance.

    Dr. 加西亚 has held a variety of positions on boards of directors, 委员会, coalitions and committees through which he has had the opportunity to serve others. 他目前担任威廉森县第9紧急服务区的主席.

    Dr. 加西亚 is a registered professional engineer and a certified safety professional. He is from South 德州 and is a first generation college graduate. Dr. 加西亚 previously lived and worked in 圣安东尼奥. 他与圣安东尼奥有着广泛的家庭关系和历史渊源,可以追溯到这座城市的建立.

    Dr. 加西亚 earned his PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of North Dakota, 他在约翰霍普金斯大学获得环境规划与管理理学硕士学位,在德克萨斯大学获得土木与环境工程理学学士学位&M University - 大学 Station, TX.

    他的妻子索尼娅·加西亚是Round Rock ISD的一名小学教师,他们有三个孩子, 玛丽娜, 阿雅娜和迈克尔·迪恩.


  • 托马斯·沃克爆头.jpg

    Dr. 托马斯•沃克

    论坛- 7月10日星期三th | 2:45pm
    Comal Learning 资源 Center (NLIB 211)

    Dr. 托马斯•沃克在高等教育领导方面拥有超过13年的进步经验, specializing in strategic initiatives, teaching and learning optimization, 以及卓越的运营. Currently serving as the Dean of Business Affairs at Broward 大学, Dr. 沃克管理着布劳沃德县南部地区103英亩校园的运营方面, 可容纳12人,000名学生. 他的领导在创造一个赋予教师权力的环境中发挥着至关重要的作用,以提供变革性的学习体验,并在学生中培养强烈的归属感. Dr. Walker collaborates 关闭ly with college leadership to establish business goals, 制定财政策略, 并监督合规措施的实施,确保运营成功,从而增加学生入学率和财务偿付能力.

    Dr. Walker is known for his collaborative leadership style, 如何促进高绩效团队,以确保为学院和周边社区提供模范服务. 他的工作记录包括与跨学术事务的跨职能团队进行有效合作, 学生服务, 设施管理, 信息技术, 公共安全. This collaboration has been crucial in maintaining campus facilities, advancing teaching and learning technologies, and ensuring adherence to institutional policies and regulations.

    Prior to his current role, Dr. Walker served as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, where he provided strategic leadership for business programs. He spearheaded comprehensive student retention strategies, cultivated partnerships with community stakeholders, 并倡导符合学院使命和愿景的创新教学技术.

    Dr. 他持有Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University的管理学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位, 随后在卡佩拉大学获得组织与管理哲学博士学位.

  • 短距起落头像.jpg


    论坛-星期二,7月9日th | 2:45pm
    Comal Learning 资源 Center (NLIB 211)

    Veronica is a visionary leader with over 20 years of combined experience, 其中过去15年一直致力于高等教育机构的转型. Her expertise spans all organizational administration and operations areas, including financial and performance management, 研究管理, 政策发展, 过程改进, 合规, 审计与风险管理, 质量保证, 业务分析, 和报告.

    维罗妮卡在德克萨斯州一个大型公立大学系统任职期间,在高等教育的各个领域率先提出了战略倡议, 包括领导一个为南德克萨斯州社区服务的区域健康中心. 她对卓越运营的全面理解体现在她对重大财务预算的成功管理上, accounting responsibilities, state and sponsored 合规 programs, 审计, 质量保证. 然而, 她对公共服务的承诺一直是她对高等教育进步做出贡献的推动力.

    Veronica is a transformational leader who fosters a collaborative culture. She effectively builds relationships with students, 行政领导人, 教师, and all stakeholders to achieve the organization’s vision and goals. She holds herself to the highest integrity, professionalism, and performance standards. Her strategy incorporates improving efficiencies through strategic leadership approaches, stewardship of institutional resources, maximizing productivity by ensuring optimal workflow, and developing teams to achieve organizational success.

    维罗妮卡拥有公共管理硕士学位和工商管理学士学位,并将于2024年12月毕业,获得教育领导博士学位. 她也是研究管理员认证委员会(RACC)的注册金融研究管理员(CFRA)。.