
学生的行为 & 第九条

The 学生行为和第九条办公室 协调各类文化宣传活动, 预防性的编程, 以及全年的培训.  项目包括性侵犯预防, 预防约会/家庭暴力, 跟踪意识. 

We are dedicated to strengthening sexual assault prevention and response at 圣安东尼奥学院.  We strive in responding to all complaints and issues within 24 hours of the reported incident. 



The 澳门新葡京博彩区 Student Code of Conduct (ACSCOC) cites both standards of conduct and consequences (sanctions) for violations.  Also, it prescribes procedures for determination and appeal of violations as well for disciplinary hearings.  的ACSCOC applies to non-academic misconduct and conduct involving academic integrity.

的ACSCOC disciplinary process is intended to continually protect and foster the learning environment and interest of the 澳门新葡京博彩区 community.  Students who are held responsible for engaging in inappropriate behavior are encouraged, 或者根据需要分配, to productivity engage in student-support services and challenged to always maintain behavior that complies with the code.  的ACSCOC 纪律处分程序不是刑事或民事程序 而是内部行政程序. (阅读更多...]



SOBI团队促进学生的福祉, 繁荣的校园环境, and successful academic experiences through an active process of assessment and intervention. 敌意, 言语攻击, 抑郁症, 隔离, 退出是不应该被忽视的关键信号.  忽视早期预警信号会导致事态升级.  

Students are encouraged to review the SOBI guidelines and report concerning behaviors to the SOBI response team. 如有疑问,请报告!  记住,SOBI是非惩罚性的. 如果学生违反了行为准则, 然后请填写非学术不端行为报告表. (阅读更多...]



第九条 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex (gender) of employees and students of educational institutions receiving federal financial assistance. 第九条's prohibition of discrimination includes acts of 性骚扰 and relationship violence.

圣安东尼奥学院不容忍性别歧视, 性骚扰, 或者任何形式的性暴力. 确保遵守教育法第九条, the 澳门新葡京博彩区 has designated a 区 第九条 Coordinator and a Deputy 第九条 Coordinator at each college. (阅读更多...]



A Culture of Respect is 圣安东尼奥学院’s initiative that strives for an environment that values and affirms the diversity of its students and employees. We are committed to a joyful culture of learning and service where unity in diversity occurs through mutual respect, 合作, 和可访问性. 

圣安东尼奥学院 is committed to appropriate resolution of complaints as efficiently and effectively as possible. We believe providing a mechanism for complaints and/or grievances to be heard gives us the opportunity to improve our services. 



Students are encouraged to use the Non-Academic Grievance Procedure only where there is clear and convincing evidence that a college official has treated the student unfairly through forms of discrimination, 虐待和/或骚扰.

在正式提出申诉之前, 学生应该尽合理的努力与当事人解决问题, 或者项目主管, 被投诉的对象.  点击这里,如果你想报告一个非学术申诉.



教师负责课堂管理, 教学策略, 测试和评估学生的表现. At academic institutions conflicts may develop within the educational process that requires academic intervention using the Academic Grievance process.

When student grievances cannot be resolved through information interaction with a faculty member or chair/coordinator, students are directed to use the Academic Grievance process only when there is clear and convincing evidence that a faculty member has treated the student unfairly.  如果您想报告学术申诉/诚信违规,请点击这里.



Students are encouraged to fill out a student petitions for any justifiable balance discrepancies, 退款, 医疗取款, 亲近的人去世等. 支持文件必须与学生申请表格i一起提供.e. 电子邮件、截图、医疗记录、讣告等. 的日期, 发生, duration and how it negatively affected your coursework must be included on the supporting documentation. 所有这些都必须与所讨论的术语一致. 需要有不可否认的艰苦证据. 级变化, three-peat rule or anything that requires departmental decisions are not done through the petition process. 委员会将不会审查任何超过一年的事情.  
